Trade Show Installation and Dismantle

Trade show attendees rarely think about trade show installation and dismantle process, but it looms large in the minds of those who are planning and executing their company’s trade show booth setup, shipping, labor, and more. The process requires a vast amount of organization and attention to detail. Trade show installation and dismantle is as much about brains as it is about brawn.

trade show installation and dismantle

Trade show installation and dismantle behind the scenes perspective.

Check out our blog post and video that beautifully and succinctly allows you to visualize the vast amount of work that goes into the setup of of a trade show booth.

Preparation is key, but experience helps as well. Sometimes, errors are your greatest learning tools, although it’s nice when you can learn from the mistakes of others, as in ExhibitorOnline’s article, “Labor of Love.”

“My personal experiences with I&D have certainly never been flawless, but it’s the outright disasters and near catastrophes that are the most memorable,” says Candy Adams in the opening paragraph of the article.

Candy Adams’ article on is a great read for any trade show planner. Ms. Adams goes into detail about the different types of contractors, unions, and other nuances of the industry that only an experienced planner could know. Read more here.

Creating an exciting and engaging trade show booth is a multi-step process that includes great design. ADM Two staff are experts on trade show display design, so give us a call at (813) 887-1960, and one of our knowledgeable staff can assist you with your display needs. Also, check out some of our other articles to get more information on trade show booth graphics and staff etiquette.