Custom Rentals

Why you should consider renting custom furnishings for your next trade show

screen-shot-2014-04-04-at-12-27-44-pmThe word “custom” implies something personally crafted; something designed specifically for you, with your needs and desires in mind. “Rental” on the other hand, can bring to mind expressions such as temporary, generic, standard and basic. In a world where furnishing trends change every year and marketing targets can shift with a popular tweet, it stands to reason that the new “custom” might actually be a “custom rental”.

Here are three reasons to consider a Custom Rental for your next show:

1. Not Your Generic Show Rental

Choosing a “custom rental” is significantly more than selecting a few pieces for your booth from a GSC. The pieces available through these resources are frequently basic and predictable. Exhibit houses that provide custom work are often your best resource for rental furniture. They stay current on the trends and know how to make your booth look custom, even on a rental budget.

2. Perfect for Establishing Function

Rather than contemplating the look you would like to establish for your booth, try considering the function first. What do you want your visitors to do? How do you want them to feel? An educational setting might call for a more structured space with tabletops and hard surfaces for jotting down notes or perusing sales literature. If your desired goal is to encourage visitors to socialize, plush armchairs and comfy love seats can create an inviting space. The pieces within your booth can determine the function of your space, while the flexibility of a custom rental allows you to maintain the branded continuity of your space while adapting the functionality show to show, as needed.

3. Budget Options

Depending on your company’s budgetary guidelines, rental furniture can be listed as a per-show cost compared to an upfront cost. Per-show costs can often be expensed and evaluated for cost-effectiveness. Rental furniture doesn’t have to be stored, cleaned, or refurbished by the renter, thus cutting down a significant number of fees associated with a custom purchase.